Check out useful links for looking after your property or download a list of emergency contacts.
Information about what to do in an emergency and useful contacts for our tradespeople
We want you to enjoy your home as much as possible but we're always here to help with any problems you might encounter. We'll make sure the property is safe, wind and water tight and we're your first point of contact should anything go wrong. We'll work with you to arrange access for our tradespeople to visit your home and make good any defects that fall under the landlord's responsibility.
As a tenant though you are expected to look after the property and carry out everyday maintenance tasks such as changing light bulbs, hoover bags and belts, re-setting tripped fuses, unblocking sinks and drains where your waste has caused the blockage, topping up the pressure on your boiler and bleeding your radiators if applicable, and ensuring the property is kept clean. All defects must be as soon as possible.
See here for a with advice on how to carry out these routine tasks.
If you're having problems with your neighbours let us know and we'll do what we can to help.
In the event of an emergency contact us immediately if it's during normal working hours. Outwith, if you can't get in touch then see our page for practical advice and contact details of our preferred contractors.
If you're having difficulty paying your rent it's really important that you talk to us about it as soon as you can and keep in touch regularly so that we can update the owner of your property.
When the time comes to give notice to vacate your property please (email is fine) giving the required amount of notice as stated in your tenancy agreement. We'll write to you to guide you through the move out process and discuss arrangements for re-marketing your property.